

Here is a smattering of my design work. Puruse at your leisure.  And yes, "smattering" is a word. 

smat·ter·ing - noun

-a small amount of something-

I double checked. Just in case.

 Logo for a horror movie-themed podcast.

Logo for a horror movie-themed podcast.

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Apex_SystemOverrideEvent_3820 × 2160_Bangalore.jpg
 Designs for Apex Legends seasonal collection events.

Designs for Apex Legends seasonal collection events.

 Design for an update of the “Days of Play” PlayStation sale/event.

Design for an update of the “Days of Play” PlayStation sale/event.

 Social media cinemagraph for Command and Conquer Remastered Collection.

Social media cinemagraph for Command and Conquer Remastered Collection.

Logo for scrapped video game.

Logo for scrapped video game.

 Walmart website ads promoting the release of Naughty Dog’s “The Last of Us 2”.

Walmart website ads promoting the release of Naughty Dog’s “The Last of Us 2”.

 Logo ideas for indie video game developer.

Logo ideas for indie video game developer.

 Video game sale design centered around the idea of staying indoors and playing games.

Video game sale design centered around the idea of staying indoors and playing games.

 Design idea for the “Golden Week Sale”. This is a yearly video game sale showcasing Japanese centric games. Golden Week is a week from the 29th of April to early May containing a number of Japanese holidays.

Design idea for the “Golden Week Sale”. This is a yearly video game sale showcasing Japanese centric games. Golden Week is a week from the 29th of April to early May containing a number of Japanese holidays.

 Logo for a campaign to rebrand the PlayStation Plus online subscription service.

Logo for a campaign to rebrand the PlayStation Plus online subscription service.

 Logo for a Latin America sales campaign featuring adventure films and video games.

Logo for a Latin America sales campaign featuring adventure films and video games.

 The “Play Collective” campaign was to showcase indie games and developers. This idea approached it from an artisanal butcher shop signage angle.

The “Play Collective” campaign was to showcase indie games and developers. This idea approached it from an artisanal butcher shop signage angle.

 Another take on the “Play Collective” campaign. This one is my riff on a 90’s indie alternative rock album cover.

Another take on the “Play Collective” campaign. This one is my riff on a 90’s indie alternative rock album cover.

 “Holiday Headquarters” sale campaign. I really wanted to capture that 50’s jazz cartoon style here.

“Holiday Headquarters” sale campaign. I really wanted to capture that 50’s jazz cartoon style here.

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 New candidate brochure. This was a take away left with a potential candidate after an interview.

New candidate brochure. This was a take away left with a potential candidate after an interview.

 Anime themed sale logo. The sale would take place in May. Cute huh?

Anime themed sale logo. The sale would take place in May. Cute huh?

 Another look at redesigning the “Days of Play” event logo.

Another look at redesigning the “Days of Play” event logo.

 These mock ups were examples to show potential companies how they could advertise on the PS3 and PS4 store.

These mock ups were examples to show potential companies how they could advertise on the PS3 and PS4 store.

 University of Wisconsin- Eau Caire was looking for a new logo for a science department group.

University of Wisconsin- Eau Caire was looking for a new logo for a science department group.